Im selling almost all my clothes

Over lockdown and the past several years of working from home, I have concluded that I barely wear anything. Now I don’t mean stark naked; I tend to just wear the same stuff every day.
When I was working in an actual office space with other colleagues, you would need to dress appropriately, which means a shirt and some lovely trousers. You can’t wear the same thing unless it’s a uniform.
So, as a result, I have several shirts, trousers, and other useless clothing items that I no longer need. Granted, I need them on the rare occasion I do have to go to a formal event. Yeah, they do come out, but 99% of the time, they are stored.
I’ve worn the same joggers every day so far since I bought them, which would be about a week ago. I haven’t taken them off since, so perhaps I just purchase loads of joggers and live in comfort.
It’s going to take me a while to even start listing all the items, let alone taking photos of everything.
Will see how it goes.
Photo by Tembela Bohle from Pexels